42 surflan herbicide label
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, SURFLAN A.S., 5/18/2010 U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, SURFLAN A.S., 5/18/2010 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 Ms Rebecca A. Clernrrler Unites Phosphorus, Inc I 630 Freedom Business Center, Suite 402 King of Prussia, pAl ~406 I OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION MAY 1 8 2010 Surflan AS - diypestcontrol See label for complete list. Surflan AS, as a pre-emergent herbicide does not control emerged weeds. It is used during early spring to summer sprayed to the soil surface of over the top of germinating weeds. For turf grass rate (warm season turfgrasses), use Use 1-1.5 oz, per gallon of water, per 1,000 square feet.
Surflan XL 2G T&O Pre-Emergent Specialty Herbicide Quick overview Surflan XL 2G T&O Pre-Emergent Specialty Herbicide that controls or suppresses 35 different broad-leaf weeds and 21 different annual grasses and is labeled to be used on more than 250 different shrubs, trees, bulbs, perrenials, and turf. The active ingredients oryzalin (Surflan) and Benefin (Balan) combine to give you superior pre-emergent control.

Surflan herbicide label
Where to buy Surflan AS Herbicide Oryzalin - Gallon - Pestrong Surflan AS Herbicide Oryzalin - Gallon is a water based pre-emergence seed killer. Effective pre-emergent seed and weed control on a broad spectrum of weeds and grasses. More details LABEL/SDS This item has been sold: 615 times By buying this product & leave product review you can collect normally 8 reward points as a voucher of $0.80 (1%). Southern Ag Surflan A.S. Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com It is guaranteed to last for up to 4 months at 1.5-ounce per 1,000 sq. ft. Available in 8 oz. and 2.5 gallon bottle. Product Documents Southern Ag Surflan A.S. Herbicide Label Southern Ag Surflan A.S. Herbicide SDS Features and Specs Details APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Mark an area of 1,000 square feet (i.e. 20 by 50 feet or 25 by 40 feet). Turflon® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide — Turf & Ornamental - Corteva Turflon Ester Ultra specialty herbicide offers broad-spectrum, postemergence control of early emerging, hard-to-control weeds in residential and commercial turf. Skip Navigation. United States. Johnston, Iowa (50131) Johnston, Iowa (50131) ... Always read and follow label directions.
Surflan herbicide label. PDF GROUP 3 HERBICIDE Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals CAUTION - Agrian surflan xl 2g herbicide is a preemergence herbicide for control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in container and landscape ornamentals, nursery stock, ground covers, estab- lished tall fescue and warm season turf, established flowers, ornamental bulbs, non-bearing fruit and nut trees and non-bear- ing vineyards, non-bearing berries, … SURFLAN A.S.® PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE - Southern Agricultural ... SURFLAN A.S.® PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE • Controls weed seeds • Established warm seaason turf: Bahiagrass, Buffalograss, Bermudagrass, St. Augustine, Centipede, Zoysia • Use over both turf & ornamentals • Water in immediately or wait up to 21 days • Lasts up to 4 months at only 1.5 oz per 1,000 sq. ft. CONTAINS: 40.4% Oryzalin (4 lb. Surflan Surflan Herbicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Sulflan Herbicide, manufactured by DOW/CORTEVA, is a pre-emergent liquid concentrate to be mixed for surface application and can deliver up to 8 months of weed control. This pre-emergent effectively controls grasses and weeds and it is orange in color which helps it to act as a spray marker during application. Tools Needed PDF Surflan New Australia Surflan 500 Flowable Herbicide is a pre-emergent surface applied herbicide which will control the specified annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in the crops listed. Soil Preparation:Areas to be treated should be free of established weeds. Remove or thoroughly mix trash (weed residue, prunings, etc) into the soil before applying the product.
SURFLAN PRO PRE EMERGENT - bugspraycart.com PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Pre-Emergent herbicide used to prevent weed seeds from growing. Can be used with a weed killer but is best if used by itself before weeds get established. Surflan is a true Pre Emerge. This means it will do nothing to established plants. Instead, Surflan works on plant seeds. By preventing the seeds from growing, Surflan ... Surflan (oryzalin) | NC State Extension Publications Aug 28, 2022 · Typical injury symptoms include swollen, stubby roots. These symptoms are most commonly seen on grasses. Symptoms from foliar applications may include “puckered” foliage, stunting or tip dieback. May cause girdling and stem swelling when used on young fir or spruce seedlings (see Root Inhibitors ). Mode of Action Group 3. PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - UC Davis APPLICATORS AND ALL OTHER HANDLERS: Please refer to the product label for personal protective clothing and equipment. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: BOILING POINT: (@ 1 atmosphere) 212°F (100°C) VAPOR PRESSURE: Approximately 23 mm Hg @ 25°C VAPOR DENSITY: 1.178 relative to air @ 25°C SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Miscible in water Surflan A.S Pre-Emergent Herbicide - 1 Gallon - Seed Ranch Surflan A.S. Pre-Emergent Herbicide. Controls weed seeds. Surface applied as a spray. Use over both turf & ornamentals. Water in immediately or wait up to 21 days. Lasts up to 4 months at only 1.5 oz per 1,000 sq. ft. Contains: 40.4% Oryzalin (4 lb. Surflan per gallon). Use on: Landscape ornamentals, non-cropland, non-bearing trees and vines ...
Southern Ag Surflan AS | Solutions Pest & Lawn Southern Ag Surflan AS, manufactured by Southern Agricultural Products, is a pre-emergent herbicide that eliminates various types of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds for up to 4 months. Formulated with oryzalin 40.4% to inhibit the cell division of weeds such as crabgrass or common groundsel leading to stunt of growth and cease of activity. PDF Surflan* A.S. - greenhouse.ucdavis.edu Surflan* A.S. herbicide is a preemergence surface-applied product for the control ofmanyannualgrassesandbroadleafweedsin ornamentalplantings,bulbs, ground covers/perennials, established warm-season turfgrass, Christmas tree plantations, non-bearing trees and vines, and noncropland and industrial sites. SURFLAN A.S. PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE General Information Surflan A.S. herbicide is a preemergence surface-applied product for the control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds in ornamental plantings, bulbs, ground covers/perennials, established warm-season turfgrass, Christmas tree plantations, non-bearing trees and vines, and non-cropland and industrial sites. PDF in Ornamental Turf TURFLON Ester - Agrian labeled postemergence broadleaf herbicides. Refer to tank mix product labels for specific use directions, precautions and limitations before use. Broadcast Treatment of Ornamental Turf Apply 1/2 to 1 quart per acre (1/3 to 3/4 fluid ounce per 1,000 square feet) of TURFLON Ester in enough water to provide uniform coverage
Surflan A.S. T&O Pre-Emergent Specialty Herbicide, UPI Surflan A.S. Pre-Emergent Turf and Onimental Herbicide is a water-based low VOC pre-emergent herbicide that keeps weeds out of sight by stopping them before they start growing. And, when applied per label directions, Surflan can deliver all-season, extended residual control of many damaging weeds, such as barnyardgrass, foxtail, goosegrass ...
Amazon.com: surflan herbicide 1-48 of 130 results for "surflan herbicide" RESULTS. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. Pendulum Aqua Cap 2.5 gal Pre-Emergent Herbicide. ... Syngenta 46256 Tenacity 8oz Herbicide, Clear & Southern Ag - 12202 - Surfactant for Herbicides - Surfactant - 1 Pint (.474 Liters) 4.6 out of 5 stars 572. $78.13 $ 78. 13.
PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SURFLAN FLEX HERBICIDE, 08/29/2014 SURFLAN® FLEX Herbicide HERBICIDE An optimized preemergence surface-applied herbicide for the control of many annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in crops, ornamentals, turf, Christmas tree plantations, non-cropland Industrial sites, and established trees grown for pulp.
Surflan AS Pre-Emergent Herbicide | DIY Lawn Care - Free Shipping Surflan AS Specialty Herbicide is a selective pre-emergent herbicide for the control of annual grasses and many broad-leaf weeds in landscape ornamentals, container grown ornamentals, field grown ornamentals, ornamental bulbs, ground covers/perennials, Christmas Tree plantations, Non-bearing fruit and nut trees and non-bearing vineyards, noncropland industrial sites, and established warm season turf including Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Buffalograss, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, ...
Surflan Granules - Where to buy Surflan XL 2G Herbicide - 50 Lbs - Pestrong Buy 2 or more quantities: $132.95 per each Part No. : 2799 EPA No. : 70506-45 Surflan XL 2G Herbicide - 50 Lbs is a Selective Preemergence herbicide for control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds with combination Surflan (oryzalin) and Balan. This item has been sold: 590 times
Upl | Usa 630 Freedom Business Center, Suite 402. King of Prussia, PA 19406. 610-491-2800
Surflan Pro Herbicide - diypestcontrol Agrisel Surflan Pro-Oryzalin 40.4%. Surflan Pro, with Oryzalin is a preeemergent herbicide used as a surface application on a wide spectrum of more than 100 different grasses and weeds found in ground covers, perennials, established warm-season turfgrass, ornamental plantings, non-bearing trees, non-cropland, industrial sites and Christmas tree ...
Home - Label Database - CDMS Surflan® A.S. Agricultural ORYZALIN 70506-43. Surflan® AS Specialty ORYZALIN 70506-44. Surflan® Flex ORYZALIN 70506-308. Surflan® XL 2G BENEFIN + ORYZALIN ... Teton® Aquatic Algicide and Herbicide ENDOTHALL 70506-175. Thidiazuron 4 SC Cotton Defoliant THIDIAZURON 66330-334. Thiram 480 DP THIRAM 400-434. Topsin® 4.5FL Fungicide ...
Surflan A.S. | Southern Agricultural | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Surflan A.S. Southern Agricultural. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 63239 Active ingredients Oryzalin Classification. K1. Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 3 Microtubule assembly inhibition. Registration EPA: 62719-113-829. Caution. ... This Label Database does not replace the official manufacture issued label. Users of this database must read and ...
Surflan A.S. T&O Pre-Emergent Specialty Herbicide | Forestry ... And, when applied per label directions, Surflan can deliver all-season, extended residual control of many damaging weeds, such as barnyardgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, pigweed, purslane and lambsquarters. Surflan A.S. Pre-Emergent Turf and Onimental Herbicide with excellent crop safety and residual control of grasses and broadleaf weeds.
PDF Specialty HSSpecialty Herbicidepecialty Herbicide - CDMS Ground Application: Apply Surflan AS as a directed spray to the soil surface or over the top of plants. Use only a properly calibrated, low-pressure, herbicide sprayer that will apply the spray uniformly. Use screens no finer than 50 mesh in nozzles and in-line strainers. Apply the appropriate rate of Surflan AS, as outlined in "Crop Specific Use
Turflon® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide — Turf & Ornamental - Corteva Turflon Ester Ultra specialty herbicide offers broad-spectrum, postemergence control of early emerging, hard-to-control weeds in residential and commercial turf. Skip Navigation. United States. Johnston, Iowa (50131) Johnston, Iowa (50131) ... Always read and follow label directions.
Southern Ag Surflan A.S. Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com It is guaranteed to last for up to 4 months at 1.5-ounce per 1,000 sq. ft. Available in 8 oz. and 2.5 gallon bottle. Product Documents Southern Ag Surflan A.S. Herbicide Label Southern Ag Surflan A.S. Herbicide SDS Features and Specs Details APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Mark an area of 1,000 square feet (i.e. 20 by 50 feet or 25 by 40 feet).
Where to buy Surflan AS Herbicide Oryzalin - Gallon - Pestrong Surflan AS Herbicide Oryzalin - Gallon is a water based pre-emergence seed killer. Effective pre-emergent seed and weed control on a broad spectrum of weeds and grasses. More details LABEL/SDS This item has been sold: 615 times By buying this product & leave product review you can collect normally 8 reward points as a voucher of $0.80 (1%).
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